Ask your audience a question and have participants score points for certain answers.

Use Cases

Quiz Rounds are versatile, here are some use case examples:

  • Ask a question as part of a live quiz event
  • Ask questions before and after a training session to assess understanding.
  • Run competitions offering prizes to participant(s) who answer correctly.

On This Page

Add an Option


  1. Click edit next to the options title in the round editor.
  2. Click Add Option to add an option.
  3. Click the option label to add your text.
  4. You can mark the option as correct by checking the box next to it.
  5. Click Save.


You can add as many options as you like, although be aware that participants will have to scroll to access all choices for a long list of options.

Edit an Option


  1. Click edit next to the options title in the round editor.
  2. Click the option label to edit your text.
  3. Click Save.


Renaming an option will clear any audience engagement data bound to that option. We recommend leaving an option as it is once your participants have voted on it.

Delete an Option


  1. Click edit next to the options title in the round editor.
  2. Click the red cross in an option to delete it.
  3. Click save.


By default, if a participant selects a correct option, they (and/or their team) are awarded a single point.


For more advanced usage, you can award different points to each answer via the data import tool.